Tips To Sanitize Your Home During Corona Virus Outbreak

Special report on how to sanitize your home during the corona virus outbreak. Did you know that sanitizing your home is a two-step process? And do you know the proper way to do laundry? Get the answers to these questions in this report.

The corona virus (COVID-19) outbreak has many asking about how to properly clean their home to prevent the spread of the virus. Frequently touched surfaces should be cleaned and disinfected daily. Frequently touched surfaces include:  tables, door-knobs, light switches, counter-tops, handles, desks, phones, keyboards, tv remotes, toilets, faucets, sinks, kitchen and laundry appliances. While cleaning, it’s not a bad idea to wear gloves. But if you don’t wear gloves, be sure to wash your hands both before and after cleaning. And, of course, don’t forget to wash and sanitize your hands throughout the day, as well. Another tip to keep the virus and contamination at bay is to change your linens and towels frequently. Some have advised to do this daily and even to use towels no more than once before laundering them.


Tips To Sanitize Your Home During Corona Virys Outbreak


Video: Corona Virus Cleaning Tips From